wtorek, 14 kwietnia 2015

Blogi, które obserwuję

A Change of life by Edel_xo
Abuse by BuzzLightYearSwaggie
And I will give you all my heart, so we can start it all over again...
B.R.O.N.X by swaggiebiebsie - tłumaczenie.
beautiful famous and rich (zakończony)
Black invitation to this place that cannot change...
Despite adversity
Endless Love
Forever and Always
Give me love, like never before...
I was here...
I'll be your gold..
I'll take you to another world
Jest światło i nieustający dzień tam, gdzie panuje miłość
Justin Bieber Fan Fiction PL
Let us die young or let us live forever.
Magic Trailers
Mint Sunday
Miłość w rytmie One Direction;*
Moja tajemnicza dziewczyna...
Nieuchwytny, mroczny sen
Not Safe For Work by JBomber - tłumaczenie
Oh how I wish that was me ♥
One Direction
Opiekun - Justin Bieber Fanfiction PL
people in new york (zawieszony)
Safe Haven
Sick Problems (część II)
Sick Truth (część I - koniec)
Spis Fanfiction
Spis Opowieści
Styles Sex Story
The boy who became a ghost.
The falling leaf
The heart wants what it wants.
The Lover by SwagLikeJay
The River Lies
The road to dreams..
Today Was A Fairytale by xsparksfly
Tłumaczenie truly,madly,deeply
We are such stuff as dreams are ma­de on
When one ends, the second about to begin.. [ zawieszone ]
Wild, young and free .
Wytańczyć Miłość
Year to forget and a year to remember
You know I'll take you to another world.
You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you.

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