środa, 23 lipca 2014

Criticism of Justin Bieber ... Austin Mahone has recently become more and more daring. In a new interview, commented on the recent scandal boyfriend Justin Bieber. The statement is very interesting! Justin Bieber did not behave too well lately. Fans can, however, be sure that you do not bounce my palm. I'm trying to be polite! Austin is an angel? 
Tags: what 
09.07.2014 chair. 13:47 Comment (0) 
We have photos ... Handsome Austin Mahone was seen today in New York. The boy gave a concert on TV, during which promoted the new album "The Secret". Austin did very well and impressed the audience. Gwiazdunie have photos ... Handsome? 
Tags: nono my lover 
09.07.2014 chair. 13:45 Comment (0) 
See new photos of ... Austin Mahone is the biggest hunk in Hollywood. Sweet boy showed new selfie, which again impressed the girl. Austin is a big hunk. Father Christmas does not create scandal and is very polite. Fans have reason to be proud of! Other stars are not so nice! Austin is the love? <3 
Tags: love 
09.07.2014 chair. 13:45 Comment (0) 
Unfortunately win ... premiere of the debut album, Austin Mahone called "The Secret". Unfortunately, the boy did not meet expectations because the album sold very poorly. In the first week sales totaled 46,000 units. In the second week bought just 8,000 pieces. This is a very weak result. Fans of Austin have not done! As a judge for? 
Tags: win I do not think 
09.07.2014 chair. 13:44 Comment (0) 
Tags: ask 
09.07.2014 chair. 13:41 Comment (0) 
but friends 
Tags: nom 
09.07.2014 chair. 12:54 Comment (1) 
Austin Mahone vs Justin Biebie 
Tags: vs? 
09.07.2014 chair. 12:50 Comment (1) 
Tags: recommend 
08.07.2014 chair. 14:21 Comment (0) 
Taylor Swift until recently had a very tumultuous love life, but have a couple of months does not meet with anyone. Perhaps this is why so much attention lately ... matchmaking friends! Apparently, she'd love to see Selena Gomez in the arms of a suitable man for her.

Some time ago rumored that she tried zeswatać Sel with his best friend, Ed Sheeran, more recently apparently trying zeswatać Selena z .. Austin Mahone! It has long been no secret that Swift does not suffer from Selena's ex-boyfriend, Justin Bieber. Therefore, the more this rumor seems likely - Austin is mentioned as the biggest rival Biebs, who may soon take its place. Hunk has a catchy numbers, great choreography, and more and more fans! 

'Taylor loves Austin. It is believed that he is charming and knows that he is a threat to Justin. Making that began to stick with Selena, it was her idea. It's no secret that Justin does not like, so it seems pretty obvious why he wants to push Selena in his arms Austin '- says the informant. 'He is so real - the same on the outside, like really. No partying, is modest and does not treat all this as a certainty '- he added. 

There's no denying that it sounds like the complete opposite Biebs! What do you think? Austin fit to Selena? 
Tags: lol 
08.07.2014 chair. 14:11 Comment (0) 
Justin Timberlake, Austin Mahone, One Direction ... Who else won the MTV VMA 2014! Here is the FULL LIST! 
Behind us, a big gala MTV Video Music Awards 2014! Winners include One Direction, Selena Gomez, Austin Mahone and Justin Timberlake, the largest winning show MTV VMA 2014. Who else has won statuettes MTV? 
Tags: oo 
08.07.2014 chair. 14:09 Comment (0) 
MTV Video Music Awards: Ariana Grande and Austin Mahone warm up the audience before the big gala! Pre - show MTV Video Music Awards surely go down in history :) 
Tags: undefined 
08.07.2014 chair. 14:05 Comment (0) 
Austin, Mahone - age 19 years is a singer and friend Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez znojomy and colleague Miley Cyrus .. Cousin Louis Tomlinson .. 
Tags: undefined 
08.07.2014 chair. 14:04 Comment (0) 
Austin Mahone showed how natural the image which is without make-up. The boy spent his time in Miami, where he discussed the details of the new album "The Secret". Austin is a big hunk! Gwiazdunie already have a new pic! 
Tags: undefined 
08.07.2014 chair. 13:57 Comment (0) 
no poisonous area 
  images.jpg htrrtjhurt.jpg rehrtyuh.jpg 
Tags: no but August porobiło 
07.07.2014 chair. 20:18 Comment (1) 
but friends 
  imgres.jpg lr78or7.jpg ubgi.jpg 
Tags: friendship 
07.07.2014 chair. 20:01 Comment (0) 
  imgres.jpg adwarf.jpg 
Tags: uuuuu 
07.05.2014 chair. 18:50 Comment (0) 
Nicest hunk ... Austin Mahone did not disappoint fans today and showed a new selfie. The boy looks beautiful and collapses poor sales of the new album. Austin knows that it is most important for the millions of girls. Austin is a sweet boy who still polite and very nice! Austin is a sweet boy? 
Tags: nono but no ciachooo 
07.05.2014 chair. 18:17 Comment (0) 
The list is endless love. Like mushrooms after the rain there are new admirers Selena Gomez. Justin Bieber, George Shelley, and now Austin Mahone. Interestingly, the latter is called "the next Bieber" - Selena but pulls very young singers. Austin and Selena were caught on the MTV VMA 2014 affectionate hug. ... 
Tags: 2014 is the year of the love between them 
07.05.2014 chair. 18:15 Comment (0) 
Cody and Austin - who is dating Kylie Jenner? (PHOTO) 
Is this triangle - ask the media? Who really dating Kylie Jenner? Only what the media have joined Austin Mahone with Selena Gomez, and here comes another information, saying that the singer has charms Kylie. To make matters worse, the network leaked images where you can see 16-year-old, who is kissing currently busy with Cody Simpson. Cody and ... 
Tags: what Cody

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